Apex 3.0 Payout and Trading Guidelines – YouTube
(00:01) hey everybody out there in Apex land John coming at you here wanting to uh release to you an official release Here of the Apex 3.0 uh payout rules and trading rules and clear up some uh confusions questions freaking out uh some of you have seen some uh videos about it talk about it interviews did about it uh so want to get you an update here um kind of lay out the sections here and you know I’m just going to kind of run through it real quick here if you you know have questions you want more information and want to understand you
(00:34) know why some of these changes why some of these decisions or the history and in-depth conversations about it underneath uh this video here further down the page we’ll see uh long interviews time stamps long discussions really digging into it fully understanding explaining everything uh I know it’s a lot but if you want more info again it’s all there all clear okay uh now there’s been a few changes or adjustments since uh some of these interviews um so keep that in mind as we walk through here you’ll notice there’s a few
(01:04) adjustments and clarifications but still going through there really will help you understand a lot of the why and a lot of the history behind it and uh some really good stuff more information to come and any clarifications needed we will take care of uh bear with us this week we’ll be getting uh updates on the site uh videos trainings contracts FAQs getting all that set up here um hold off on any questions to the help dust they don’t have any other information than you have with these videos okay on and this
(01:35) release so I’m trying to get it out to you the heads up soon as possible and uh we’ll get it all on on the site everything should be answered here so um I’ve got in here and I said before that you know these rules and guidelines are be in effect starting tomorrow Monday the 21st now that’s not some hard uh deadline thing that we’re going to give a few days for you know transition time no problem just making these new uh rules available to you uh easing up on some of these trading rules letting you
(02:07) do DCA all that stuff okay so know the next few days here nothing’s going to be held against you um enforced overnight we’re just making it available couple the other changes won’t happen for you know a couple weeks here and I’ll explain that to you okay so just relax be good um the new payout structure so today is the 20th this is the last day of the current payoff period 15 through 20th this is the last that’s why we’re kind of cutting things off today starting fresh tomorrow this is the last
(02:37) payout period uh the new payoff structure uh will be available on November 1st um for the ability for the first withdrawal request under this new program which is just eight days now some people have asked does that mean like as of November 1st then I got to trade eight days y pushing about no gosh no you’ve got between now and then to get eight days in okay like like you’ll be ready to go not pushing anything back we just need a little time to finish up this payal period uh get all of our systems rolled over get all of our
(03:09) reports rolled over get ready to roll to handle all this uh efficiently and on time for you we’ll talk a little bit about that okay long as you got the eight days uh by November 1st you’re good okay so don’t worry about that um like I said you don’t need 8 days after so let’s just uh Jump Right In Here like I said I’m going going to go through through here want some more info why check out this video so no more request periods no more 1st through 5th no more 15th through 20th that helps so many of
(03:39) you guys because I know it totally sucked in the past right like your your 10th day would be on the 6th and you just missed that first through 5th and you had to wait till the 15th through the 20th that one day just like made you wait two more weeks to request and then another week or two to get paid and that was that that sucked like that was no good so no more payout quests all right or periods um and no more 10 days of trading uh no more flipping rule uh eight trading days five of which at least $50 profit why is that just to
(04:13) keep some consistency in trading there and to avoid some of these folks that had a you know some bigger days and build up a balance and they just press a button and take a press just to encourage some trading that’s it not a big deal nothing crazy here not uh you know some high amount $250 that affects you uh micr Traders there to help keep so eight trading days five of of which at least 50 bucks help with some ongoing trading um you’ve seen what we’ve been doing with approvals very quickly getting them approved and getting them
(04:47) sent out so what we’re um you know placing as our statement here is as these come in we uh you know plan to have them approved within 48 business hours see we’ve been doing quick than that we hope to do so qu your 48 Hours hopefully we can have them done in just a couple hours under promise and overd deliver right uh same with what you’ve seen with funds once uh the approvals are once they’re approved and we send out the funds we’re going to quote three or four business days we’ve all been
(05:19) seeing how once these things are done most people are getting their money the next right again under promise overd deliver okay so that’s the program there uh consistency rule in the past we’ve had the 30% consistency rule um when you go to make a request if you have one day over 30% um then you know and it was a well it’s not a hard and fast rule if you had a day over 30% but then we saw that afterwards or before like you you were consistently trading and not just flipping then then we wouldn’t really
(05:54) enforce it no like this is going to be a set rule not contingent on that because that’s a gray area that’s open to interpretation well we see you at a 30% day but yeah we don’t think that’s consistent trading afterwards but you do see that’s where we get into problems right no more of that we’re cutting all that kind of stuff out simple transparent black and white no questions not open to interpretation no gray area right so at the time of payout request just don’t have a single day over 30% of
(06:32) profit balance since your last approved payout or since your first day of trading your PA okay so the 30% consistency rule is there it’s a hard and fast just set rule that way there’s no question right we avoid all the drama now it um it does not go backwards it only goes forward meaning let’s say you’re you started trading a PA and you had a big day you CAU a big Runner whatever and you’re trying to get to a payout but that day was over 30% so you got your account up a little higher where that
(07:08) day no longer was over 30% you requested a pay out you got approved for it well once you got approved maybe your balance went down by $2,000 because of that approval right oh crap now this is way over 30% that does not matter anymore once you overcame that got the payout that’s done we’re only looking forward we’re okay you got that payout now you’re trading for your next payout when you go to request that was there a day since that last one for 30% that’s all we’re looking at you’re
(07:39) not going to always be going backwards always trying to overcome that one big day only goes forward okay you guys this is not near as big a deal as it used to be okay this is simply here to encourage ongoing consistent trading discourage lucky windfall gamble scheme stuff like that right it’s not near as big a deal as it used to be because in the past let’s say you were you had a day over 30% and like say today like on the 20th the last day of a payout period you were a few hundred bucks off and you couldn’t
(08:13) get a pay Peri you couldn’t request because of that and then you’re screwed because you can’t request again until first fifth two weeks from now that’s not the case anymore because all you have to do is do eight days and then request so if you getting into those eight days you had a bigger day you’re a little under just trade for a couple days get that account balance up that one day is not that and then request all right it’s not some you know it’s not some big deal that’s being drugg out
(08:40) like okay so 30% rule um let’s see here safety net we’ve got Apex safety net program uh until fourth payout okay so it’s just for your first three payouts what is safety net well most you know what that is is you know when you’re trading your p PA account say you have a 50k account got a $2,500 draw down you got to get the account to 56 in order for that trailing draw down to stop at 50,100 right it doesn’t follow you anymore right and 50 um so on 50K I’m just using that as example once
(09:20) it reaches 56 there’s no more trailing um and with normal safety net with a normal safety net program like most companies have you can only Rec requ EST withdrawals amounts above 526 cannot request any amount that would bring your balance below 526 okay so safety nets there to provide a cushion a buffer in the account to help build it and grow it and not leave yourself with not enough room currently um the minimum request on any of the PA accounts is $500 right got all the different sizes the minimum you can
(09:58) request is 500 the maximum you can request just depends on the size okay so the minimum request amount of $500 may be requested into the safety net all right if somebody’s right at the safety net right at 526 for example can request the minimum amount the 500 amount that does pull into the safety net are able to make a withdrawal but if you’re wanting to go over that minimum amount maybe you want a th000 maybe you want, 1500 maybe you want whatever it is for for amounts over that minimum that would be required to be withdrawn above the
(10:34) safety net threshold for example got 52 or 50k account you get it to 56 that anal enables you to be able to request right you can request $500 no problem you want to request more than that you want to request 1K an extra 500 then you need to be at 531 for that make sense now so on a 50k account count in the past you got up to 526 you could take out two grand that only left people with $500 draw down and 80% of people would blow it the next day right so all that’s happening here basically is a switch there as opposed to that current issue
(11:21) of taking out 2K and only leaving 500 and blowing it instead of leaving 500 in the safety net and blowing it taking 500 out of the safety nut and protecting it safety nut buffer is just required for your first three withdrawals to make sure you’ve got some longevity of the account cure the account build a cushion it also cuts out a lot of all the issues we’ve talked about and some of the working of the system and schemes are just trying to get to that quick thing and pull it out and blow it account solves all of that and enables us to
(11:55) make some of these other changes in here right so safety nut buffer is required for the first three withdrawals on your by the time you’re at your fourth withdrawal you don’t need it okay uh and uh that applies to existing account as well if you’re already on your fourth draw it’s not a thing all right so first three withdrawals and take out the minimum into the safety net do it more than that just has to be over the the amount okay it’s only for the first three uh this will be an acted for any
(12:31) requests on or after November the 6th as far as all the different sizes of accounts 500 safety what does that mean well that means again today’s October 20th we just have the 15th through the 20th payout period and then as long as you have eight trading Days by November 1st we’re going to open back you know the the request uh page will be back open uh November 1st we can get everything set in motion before then I’ll open it up earlier all you have to have is the eight trading days and request all right so we don’t have a
(13:09) first through fifth period because we’re not doing periods anymore but for the sake of the safety net I’m acting like we do meaning you guys have another payout period here to take what you need all right I’m not implementing this tomorrow like oh can’t do that you’ve got one more time you’ve got time here where you have uh days where you can take out all right and then you’ve got time to plan ahead okay so um that safety net rule won’t be enacted until any requests on or after
(13:46) November all right so that is that 100% payouts So currently and past here um you had to wait till your fourth month withdrawals in order order to get 100% right you have a maximum amount that you could request when you request a payout and wait till your fourth month all right well we’re changing that you can get 100% at your sixth withdrawal okay now calm down if you’re already at your fourth month you’re good you’re already on like month three and like here comes November going to be your month four
(14:21) you’re good we’re not holding that back from anybody you’re only on like your first or second withdrawal okay then you’d be under this program here right now what does that mean though because think about it like this in a month there’s an average of 21 trading days all right so if you can trade eight days the end of that eight day at 6: PM Eastern when um when the system updates you can request that night the night of the 8th or you’ve got eight days but you’re not quite at a balance on the 9th 10th
(14:58) whatever but let’s just say you’re on an 8 day cycle going well your sixth payout would be in 48 days right if you’re starting scratch now well 48 days 21 trading days that’s two months and one week instead of four months so that speeds up the path to the 100% request okay so that’s another bonus thing there um and then of course after the six and onward there’s no Max no caps like that okay so that is a quick recap of the Apex 3.
(15:39) 0 payout program and the updates to that um so just general guidelines when it comes to Pas nothing new here all the basic stuff still exist all the basic stuff that still be in the PA contract of not manipulate not manipulating the Sim environment like we saw recently with the bond stuff right um plus you know no hfts that you know impact the Sim environment must trade the account yourself no sharing your logins no letting someone else trade for you um or one of these trading companies or copy companies you can’t go both ways everyone knows that right no matter what
(16:18) can’t be long and short at the same time in the same industry or correlated all right um you know don’t go both ways activity not reflecting Collective of live market close your trades before 459 this one doesn’t kill your account y’all know that but if we see somebody constantly over and over again just they don’t close their trades they just leave them for us to close they’re not managing their account right if we see that over and over again you know there there’ll be a warning of like
(16:49) hey you got to stop this that means you’re not there managing okay trade the proper month contract uh if you’re going to use an aggo a bot a strategy must be manned monored managed not just that and walk away and of course don’t hit your TR and this is all basic stuff right nothing new here what’s new with the trading rules of the pa okay so let’s take a peek at that so um all right again this is nothing new either right create an actual strategy or system right a legitimate trading style and trading system that
(17:30) would work in real world live TR not just something that only works in the Sim funded environment to utilize the price utilize the the draw down and Below to the counts right always been a thing of Apex where traders that trade an actual system assistent and discipline system and learning and improving on a strategy and system with specific rules of Entry stops profits tring methods exit if you have an actual system you you can’t tell me you have a system or say oh my system wins 75% of the time well then to say that or to say
(18:03) you have a system obviously you’ve back tested right say okay I’ve looked over this for the last however many days and I know if I follow these rules if I enter when this happens and I you know 75% of the time as long as I do a take profit here or protect my profits here and Trail it and then if I do a stop here then you know my system works x amount of the time as an average win rate of this average win this you’re just work you’re working a system right have a system not just lucky gamble winfall pacing
(18:39) markets simple right this is nothing new um contract consistency is part of that all right guys let’s stop right here for a minute this freaks everyone out with contract consistent just chill let’s talk about it clarify it put it behind us I see it all the time like oh my God I normally trade three and three micros I acally did four are they going to clip me for no no one’s ever been clipped for doing one extra micro okay like all we’re looking for here is a couple things all right and it all has to do
(19:12) with just creating a system okay we don’t want to see crazy Eric right of oh well one micro one micro 250 micros three and then 20 M minis like to make no sense okay or here’s the biggest thing it’s very simple you start your PA from day one you don’t have any profit in there right well let’s say over time you’re building up your profit your balance is going up your profits going up Therefore your cushion is going up does it make sense that as your cushion goes up right as your uh buffer
(19:48) goes up would your contracts normally go up in size or go down in size well they’d go up right they don’t have to not required to but if your contract amount is going to change you would think that as an account goes up it would change up does it make a whole lot of sense that as your account goes up your contracts down not really now on on certain days sure or sure like we’re not worried about that okay here’s the biggest thing with contrac we don’t want to see crazy erratic that makes no sense and then we
(20:26) see the trading makes no sense ertic here’s the biggest thing all this is okay is two things and I’ve showed it to you before day one of somebody’s PA you see a big spike like this day one sometimes also day two and they went all in all contracts just throte it out there lucky windfall hoping for a big windfall for their first day in their pa make a big amount of money and make a big dent in the trailing threshold and go all in 10 20 30 contracts and then from there you see one or then for a couple for a couple days
(21:03) and then you see like one micro two micros pay out boom okay that’s windfall gambling Throwing It All in there on that first day just trying to make a big amount or just trying to get over the threshold if you blow it oh well get another one made out great that’s not trading that’s not what we’re looking that’s not proper risk management or you see like one two contracts one or two one or two one or two one or two oh payout is in two days boom and I’m nowhere near boom all in 10 contracts
(21:35) whatever risking it all hoping for big windfall blow the or oh big windfall Boom Big Spike day before payout and that big spike that it that’s not a trading strategy that’s a withdrawal strategy those couple things right there don’t let us see crazy erratic don’t let us see a huge Spike on day one going for a windfall and a huge Spike on day seven trying to be able to request tomorrow that’s it that’s contract you’re normally trading like two contracts you’re following your entry
(22:07) rules and oh wow I got I got an entry I got a setup but on top of my setup I’ve got this lining up and this lining up at this level and my back testing showed me when these happen it’s a great setup to so much further instead of doing two contracts I want to do four five because I know from back testing that this has a huge Edge trading’s all about an edge go for it I freaking five to you what do you think these alos look they look back and they’ve see these these things happen trade trade when this happens go all in
(22:41) if it’s going you get a second entry go in more you’re not going to be in trouble for that called trading good job okay chill with the contract consistency fear of oh my God I went one over I went no that’s not what we’re looking for okay big thing there is they won in day right before up make sense that’s it all goes back to just creating a strategy okay don’t overthink it it’s not tricky um and contracts can change oh I normally trade three or four but I only traded one today because man the
(23:20) market was volatile and it was chopping good freaking job that’s called reading the market and knowing when to not nothing wrong with that not okay so that’s that basic stuff simple rule one rule two we are implementing what we’re calling Apex scaling a lot of you familiar with scaling most other companies have an extreme crazy scaling what that means is the day from day one when you start your traing your PA account a lot of these places you can only start trading two contracts two Apex gives you 10 like on a 50k creating
(23:59) two contracts from zero until you get to $1,500 in profit and then after that updates the next day then you can trade three contracts you get to like two grand then you could trade four contracts you get up you trade five it take you got to go through this whole scaling thing to get to five contracts okay then after you get there like to the 2 200 bucks you’re like oh I’m going to take a withdraw I’m going to take half of that now you got 1,200 bucks left and you’re back over at only two and you go through the site okay now
(24:29) scaling what is it there for well it’s there partially to help with what I just talked about about not going in day one going crazy right and windfall and Gamble and overtrading and hitting your uh trailing sto too fast because you did too many there are some positive things about scaling that do help protect company do help protect the trader and do help you protect your account longer term and not hit that traing stop but we don’t want to limit you that extreme okay so it’s very simple Apex scaling half the
(25:04) contracts until the trailing thresold stop is met meaning until the safety net is met until the trailing stopped doesn’t fail anymore what does that mean on a 50k account you can start off trading five accounts or five contracts the other places the second biggest place you got to go through all the Hoops just get to five and that’s it it right Apex offers a lot more contracts than everyone else one of the things that was talked about know do we got the number of counts number of contracts no let’s just do half in the
(25:41) beginning till we pass that trailing that way we don’t overtrade and hit that trailing stop okay so um now once that trailing stop once your account hits 526 and it stops trailing if your balance Goes Down Under 526 we’re not punishing you in back it’s all about getting that trail to stop so it’s not following you all the way up doing all these contracts to hit it okay so um now this is not programmed it’s not something that will cut you off and not allow you if you go inter six it’s
(26:14) going to let you inter six because a 50k account it gives you 10 contracts got 10 available just do five all right look we’re all adults here be able to trust you to only do five monitor your contracts monit to your risk oh my God they’re just doing that to to trick us and be able to find a way to deny us we did six instead of five I don’t you accidentally did six or seven F just close them out okay it happens fine not a big deal now if you go over just close those couple out now if if every day all day you’re doing 8 n just
(26:55) totally ignoring program or trying trying to push it to the Limit going I never did 100% there’s a huge difference between random accidents and abusing and pushing something the LA right so I’m not going to sit there and limit you I’m not going to make the whole program go oh well they’re at 56 now unleash the other five oh wait it went down now take them away no I’m not doing that c okay for all adults here monitor half contracts till you’re over the safety simple okay that’s that risk
(27:31) management risk management is the number one job of a Trader to manage risk currently mons now we’ve had risk management set at what four to one 1: four whatever you want to call it meaning don’t risk more than four times with your profit Target if your strad your system goes for 10 ticks don’t uh risk more than 40 so you’re going for 10 put your stop at 40 don’t let that market go past 40 on you right so I’m changing that we’re doing a Max of five now we’re going five to one I’m giving you more room here I
(28:12) mean I already thought 4 to one was a little much but maximum of five times risk reward ratio again system goes for 10 ticks don’t risk more than 50 ticks okay if that’s what your target is that’s what your historical uh win rate win amount is that Market’s pulling against you it’s 56 don’t let it keep going all right assure that you’ve got a stop loss exit that no you don’t have to put the stop loss on the chart you know you you can if you want you can use an ATM some places don’t have that you can
(28:46) use a mental stop which means all right I I placed this trade I know if it comes down here I need to get out here and if it goes up there I’m going to probably take profit or Trail it there now that’s been abused quite a bit of oh I had a me let it go go go that’s what everything we’ve talked about is about right no risk management letting the account uh total Trail down balance be the whole stop and that’s not proper risk okay like don’t let the market go against you $2,400 just to come back up hopefully
(29:22) and get to break even and then go up and you make that’s risking 2400 to make 100 that’s so 24 to1 not a five that’s clearly not following and that that’s not a legitimate strategy for risk management that would not work in live trading like I said going to be a big push with Apex and in the industry and with regulation of ultimate moving people live trading we have to know that these people can be put in live trading and can manage risk that doesn’t work in live trading if you had your own
(29:58) live brokerage account would you send in 2500 bucks cash your own cash then just place a trade and let it just go all the way 2500 bucks and blow it and then wire another 2500 and just blow it wire you wouldn’t use your 2500 as risk all the time you’d have risk management right you limit that amount of of that trade so if it won’t work in real live account trading don’t do it in ours right so this will result in a rule break not a closure of the account immediately not it doesn’t kill your account it’s a rule
(30:34) break and then on how many times happen you’ll get a warning or a probation talk about some of that or if it’s a ongoing thing and be like okay we’re removing that if that came back up and was turned into profit from breaking that rule might remove that as unqualified say do it not work doing we’re going to you know be unqualified don’t keep doing it very simple risk management nothing wrong with risk management that’s the job of a Trader okay and what we can see is we can see what goes on behind the
(31:07) scenes if you look here this person sold right here okay and then they bought it back right here so there was profit in this trade right sold here bought back here there’s profit so if we’re just looking at a regular chart like you can see it’s like oh all right nice trade there nothing big nothing spiky nothing what happened in between this person let this trade go against them 75.
(31:33) just to come and close it out for like 11 right no stop just letting it go and then it just comes back and makes something and the next day hopefully come back some and it’ll do this until it doesn’t keeps going I’ve showed you people losing 10 20 50 60 the one guy up almost a million dollars for 20 account let it just kill on one of those fly knife days this is what it’s all about this what all of this is about it’s misuse of risk management account right and then we get we also see this I showed you this called an Mae report of
(32:06) you know you’re just looking at somebody’s chart or if it’s like oh Apex denied me for improper risk management and somebody puts this chart on social media going look I mean I didn’t have any crazy big spike days making tons of money 100 here and 100 here and 100 here 100 man this Trader cons Apex a scam why would they deny it well why don’t you look right here but the it went against them $2500 came back an hour and 20 minutes later they closed it out for 105 next one same day went against them $2700 to
(32:44) come back and close for $100 okay $2,400 for 107 but this is like 24 25 26 to1 that’s a rule break yes clear as day and not just a onetime thing I’m not sitting here looking at we’re not going to look at every single one of them all right the system will look at them over a period of days going all right this person’s average profits only you know 107 but they’re letting this thing go get some 24 28 now we’ve got a problem right and this is what we look at and so if there’s an issue with risk management
(33:20) we’ve got it right here and I’ll show you how you can get this too so if there’s an issue or somebody’s put on warning oration or denial which I’ll show you later it’s not going to really happen there’s no more of this drama on social media oh Apex did this to me and I never broke a rule I’ll show you how to log in get a system print this report out show it to the world did you did you follow it because it would be right there and you’re either ribbing or we are right compl complete
(33:59) transparency we can see this you can see this all this social media crap online everyone it prove it prove it that we shouldn’t have denied it then we got some answer to do don’t we this holds both parties accountable completely transparent and gets rid of all this crap drama maybe we can get back to building some trust and working together as partners trading but it’s going to be very clear just like this because we can see it you can see it everyone can there’s denial there’s a probation
(34:33) why I don’t know apex’s just made up whatever they want they could just interpret their own rules what rules no more of that I’ll show you so next one um 30% negative p&l all right so it’s kind of a two two-phase uh risk management here what does this mean well you may have trades like we just looked at like oh I’m trading this particular thing and a couple inq and then over here I got a couple oil whatever right um what was the big deal with DCA remember it wasn’t just DCA was fact of
(35:15) just going in going in going in no stops just letting the whole account just drain and blow that was the problem it’s not proper so in addition to the 5 to one there’s a 30 % negative p&l rule very simple whatever you’re if you’re in a trade or maybe you’re in multiple trades right and you’re negative Market’s going against you the open unrealized p&l right in front of you in red going down don’t let it go down more than 30% of your profit balance meaning if you started that
(35:54) day with $10,000 of profit in the the account don’t let that thing go down more than $3,000 it’s getting down to $3,000 you better close it out close part of it out before you stay above that okay why well simple you went and put $100,000 of live real money in an account $100,000 live money in your brokerage account First Trade would you go all in and let that thing come down and see negative $30,000 real money and just let it going no of course would please do like that’s that’s insane like 30% is
(36:36) outrageous like if I put 100 Grand in a account I wouldn’t risk more than five or 10,000 per trade myself give myself 10 15 20 chances right not three so it’s very simple now this is not a daily loss limit or like a total daily loss limit or I lost three three grand I can’t no in one trade don’t let that live pnl be down more than 30% close it out close some of it out boom go on to the next trade whatever same thing not a daily loss it’s not a stop loss it’s risk management okay now that’s easy enough
(37:15) to understand very simple example right got 10 grand 30% Don’t Let It Go more than 3K negative okay that makes sense but uh John this is my first day in a PA I don’t have any profit how does that work or my first day I made $200 profit you telling me I can’t on the next trade risk more than uh 30% of that $200 this is a scam Apex is trying to drag stop okay listen first day there’s obviously no profit all right so base it off the starting trailing threshold amount on a 50k account for example your trailing threshold is 00 bu
(37:58) what’s 30% of that 750 give yourself three chances right at least okay on a 300K account you’ve got a trailing threshold of 7500 30% that’s 2250 there you go okay so listen if you’re under your safety net amount this this is simple if you’re under the safety net amount you’re you’re still in that trailing threshold Zone that the trailing threshold is still moving what is the trailing threshold for that account 50k it’s 2500 you know uh 300K it’s 7500 whatever take that number times
(38:40) 30% while you’re in the trailing threshold phase before you’ve hit it and it stopped before you hit the safety net and trailing stopped just use that number okay this case have a 50k account it’d be 750 use that until you hit the safety net and it stops now once you’re over that safety net and you’re past that trailing threshold then you use the start of the day profit balance right that point on a 50k You’ be at 26 you be 2600 profit use that 30% of that it grows fine now let’s say if you lose some and your account
(39:21) balance falls back under the safety net okay then just go back to us in 750 under the safety net the the trailing use 30% of the trailing threshold over that use your profit very simple okay now after you’ve had that account and built that account up so once you’ve doubled your safety net okay once you’ve doubled your safety net you can go up to 50% % inste of just 30 that way if you need to use it for multiple instruments like okay I’ve got a trade here in in Q and I’ve got a trade here on gold and
(40:05) I’ve got to trade your oil now you have to keep in mind you’re five to one right on each of those trades with your system but if you want to as you build up your balance and you know use more of your contracts you want to be in some different grades you might need more than 30 it’s not here to limit you it’s it’s here to protect you and to protect Apex and to protect the account we give you some flexibility there once you’ve doubled your safety it’s all about guys this is all about not overdoing it in
(40:34) the beginning you catching this building that account putting some cushion in there setting yourself up for longevity not just quick quick quick get to that one pay out take everything blow the account have to start over buy a new eval go through all this pay another P how about get first payout get second payout and get third P going okay so um yeah you can go up to 50% that way if you need to do you know you’re in several different trades just keep in mind the 5 to one so this this is very simple it’s not complicated it’s good
(41:08) risk management you got a five to1 risk management on each of your individual trades and you got overall you’re doing more than one you got overall uh protection of of your account balance why would you risk more than a third of it in one trade that’s not unreasonable and that’s what we need to know and live right we have monitors for all this we can see this Max pull down you’ll be able to see these Max pull Downs I’ll show you where you can get it and we’re going to avoid a lot of this dramaa so
(41:39) what does that mean let’s just recap what are the PA trading rules create an actual strategy or system half contracts until you get your trailing stop done five times risk reward and the 30% overall negative pullback that’s it that’s the rules no other rule because everything all boils down to risk management right um you all very familiar with this page right here of the rules this ridiculously crazy long list of this video and all this explanation all this and all this this and need oh and this risk management here and this
(42:30) is required and stops this and prohibited and scal and added in of dollar cost averaging and examples of that and on and on and on on right here’s your rules trate a system half contract still threshold five times risk 30% that’s it do whatever you want you want a DCA DCA as much as you want no I don’t mean one entry and then you can only do one more you can do as many DCA entries as you want you just got to keep 30% right that way you could do DCA properly because DCA you might enter and it pulls
(43:13) back against you and there’s a couple levels there you want to enter at as well go for it just stay within risk management you want to trade morning opens trade them want to Brocket trade trade them want to trade news just don’t go both ways otherwise trade news trade whatever you want you want to trade a an algo a bot fine just manage it and be careful because most of those Bots Martin scw up your risk everything boils down to risk management and this is part of what I struggled with for a while is
(43:47) what about this and about G what about this but it’s all just risk management and the whole problem was using the Apex accounts with no stops buying another one and treating it like a game we can’t put you into live like that that’s it all we’re looking for is we spend and the rules are simple so yes starting today tomorrow all this is in place we not enforcing it and and penalizing anybody give it a few days here everybody get used to these rules but you want to DCA can DCA keep it within okay that’s quick rundown of the payout
(44:28) program and the trading rules there’ll be some more stuff coming here to talk about um uh live and talk about um how the B system will work as far as us keeping up with it as far as monitoring and showing you how you can monitor okay there you go guys
Warning!!! : Please always refer to official Apex Website for the latest rules and regulations. Click here to see the latest Apex updates from their official website help center page!
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